The weekly report template presents project performance in a table PowerPoint design. It is a simple yet detailed proforma to display the weekly report in front of project managers or the entrusted head. The summary powerpoint slide of the weekly status document will give a snippet view of the work you did last week. It is a complementary tool to monitor performance in and progress in powerpoint. Besides, the weekly report template enables the management to identify the strength and weaknesses of a particular employee who may need improvement. The ten-slide powerpoint report presentation contains five variant formats in black and white powerpoint background.
The weekly report template for PowerPoint presentations contains different layouts to visualize the status of a project. Its s part of the project life cycle. So, you can ease the status submission using the ready-made powerpoint document column layouts and roadmap designs in the calendar ppt schedule. For example, on the first template, you can show work schedules in a column powerpoint containing three topics: completed items, In progress items, and Assigned But not Started tasks. This weekly report template has three separate rows and table-colored green, yellow, and blue powerpoint marks. Similarly, a project report design template shows topics in different columns for Current status, Plans for the coming week, and potential issues. It has a separate zone on the extreme right side that will show the overall project status. Besides, each section has a bullet point ppt design for step-by-step presentation.
You can use the calendar powerpoint design pointing to each day's developments. This column chart template enables you to insert work progress using the weekly report table slide. It has come in two different styles a roadmap Gantt chart design and a flat diagram with six square powerpoint content sections. The eye-catching PowerPoint weekly report template could help the quick view the customized tables and contents.