Learning Outcomes PowerPoint Template
Learning Outcomes PowerPoint Templates
Learning Outcomes PowerPoint Template
Learning Outcomes PowerPoint Templates

The learning outcomes template is a table ppt slide questionnaire model. The simple design help evaluate learning outcomes of students' specific knowledge, skills, expertise, and working knowledge. Learning outcomes refer to the learner's measurable gains from the learning process. Organizations can use the learning outcomes template to evaluate the results of training programs. Assessment of trainee's learning outcomes is the systematic gathering of information requiring a proforma of answerable questions. The proforma powerpoint template is best for assessing learning outcomes and showing it during the team meeting. Colleges and schoolteachers can use the same template to display the learning outcomes of their students. It will clearly state in measurable and specific terms what the student will know and what he can perform based on acquired knowledge.

The classification of learning outcomes depends on five key variables. These are intellectual skills, cognitive strategy, verbal information motor skills, and attitude. Intellectual skills help the learner to understand concepts and rules of procedures. It also enables how to do things (learning objective ). Cognitive strategy help thinks differently, organize learn, and behave. Verbal information is when the learner can state what they have achieved from a bunch of knowledge. Motor skills are referred to the physical ability to act. Finally, attitude reflects the internal state of the learner’s behavior.

The learning outcomes template for powerpoint presentations has many direct and indirect uses. Some of them are shown below.

· Performance demonstration

· Portfolio evaluation

· Employee performance review with remarks

· Grading students and employees

· Displaying project status

· Internship evaluations

· Field achievement tests

· Market survey

· Focus group discussions.

· Research dissertation report

The learning outcomes template also can be used to display the mission statement or any face-to-face interview survey method. The tabular powerpoint design has five rows and columns to depict learning outcomes. Use this report presentation design for a powerpoint presentation. Also, check out our other education-related powerpoint templates.