Diversity Inclusion PowerPoint Presentation Template
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Diversity Inclusion PowerPoint Template
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Diversity Inclusion PowerPoint Presentation Template
Diversity Inclusion PowerPoint Template3
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Diversity Inclusion PowerPoint Template
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Easily create diversity related presentations in minutes

This is a diversity PowerPoint template that you can use for all diversity related PowerPoint presentations. The template comes with 10 pre-designed slides that can be easily modified to fit your content and suit your needs. This template features illustrated characters, with a simple color palette that gives it a very minimal, yet well-designed look.

Diversity PowerPoint Template – Use Cases

Diversity related presentations are very important in the workplace, and even in places like college and schools. If you’re in human resources, or are diversity and inclusion officers, you’ll find this template to be perfect for your diversity presentations.

This diversity PowerPoint template features 10 slides, including the intro slide. Each slide has ample space for text, without making them text-heavy. Every slide has illustrations, and they look perfect for both corporate and school settings. The neutral color theme of this template makes it a great template to address even sensitive issues related to diversity in your presentation.

The following slides are included in this diversity inclusion PowerPoint template:

  • Cover slide with cutout images of diversity and inclusion PowerPoint template
  • Illustrative images of people in colorful attire
  • Team template in human PowerPoint illustrations
  • Four sections slide with an image of disabled person
  • 3 columns design for gender diversity shows
  • Vertical timeline template with character sketches
  • Diversity and inclusion slideshow
  • Network diagram showing diversity and inclusion in an organizational chart model
  • Team slide
  • Visual demonstration slide for presenting two concepts with a detailed text box and images
  • Thank you, ppt slide illustrations